Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Yes or No? =D

Isn't being a mom so amusing at times? I just introduced the word "Yes" to my Benedict who seems to answer all questions now with a firm "No!" with matching shaking of head pa. I invite you to eavesdrop on me & my little boy's conversation...

Mommy: Do you want a siobe (baby sister)? Yes or No?

Little Boy: No!

Mommy: Do you want a sioti (baby brother)? Yes or No?

Little Boy: No! (shaking his head pa)

Mommy: How about a fish?----

Little Boy: (without missing a beat) Yes! (with hand gesture pa)



sujee isturis-sarmiento said...

my daughter also shakes her head too especially when we say "no"! :D

kids are really funny! they truly make our days brighter!

God bless! :)

bless said...

they give us a fresh perspective at times =D

thanks for droppin' by.