Tuesday, February 12, 2008

our Suarez Wedding rings

I am trying to help out a dear cousin of mine with ideas for her wedding preps, so I look for the wedding ring supplier of ours - SUAREZ WEDDING RINGS... and to my surprise! when I clicked on their website's testimonial part...Lo and behold! we're posted there...i mean our wedding pics, me & hubby along with the thank you note we sent them is right there on their web page...Yehey!!!

So I got inspired to blog about it...Indeed our wedding ring is what is left to us after the wedding. It's a happy reminder of our love and commitment to each other.

Here's the link to our wedding rings supplier's website... http://www.suarezweddingrings.com/page.php?id=5#top

We had our respective rings inscribed with "MARLON forever 12.17.05" (mine) and "BLESS forever 12.17.05" (his), the dot in between our anniversary date is the hole where the stones were placed which can be found on the inside. The owner, Ms. Mylene Suarez herself was the person we talked to when we placed our orders. She's a very gracious lady and a very accommodating one.

A favorite shot taken of our "precious"...it's a Novell design. The diamond stones were given to us by Marlon's aunt, Nana.. who's more like his own mom ever since his mother passed away. Thanks a lot Nana & Nono for your precious gift to us, and I don't mean just the stones...most importantly, the love, concern & support that keeps on multiplying. God bless our family!

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