Monday, February 11, 2008

Benedict's Baby Pictures in Multiply

i have just accomplished uploading all my baby's pictures into this site. I feel sooo accomplished, tee hee... I have been slaving with this task given the bad connection of SmartBro lately. 17 months worth of pictures all crammed into Multiply. I am hoping I can still catch-up on bloggin' about my little boy's milestones before the "tamagochi" in me stikes again.

Next project in line will be the wedding & honeymoon pictures...I seem to be regressing here..haha :-D Nah, i kinda like to call it going back in time...

I have to do a back-up pa on all pictures in my hard-drive...Imagine, all my pre-wedding, wedding, honeymoon & Benedict's baby pictures are crammed in there. I just wouldn't know what I'd do if my laptop would crash...oh God forbid! (knock on wood)..Just the thought gives me the creeps...have to do some back-up job, like..RIGHT NOW!

I'm outta here!

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