Saturday, March 08, 2008

BENEDICT: "When I Grow Up, What Will I Be?"

" a TEACHER?...or maybe a VET...i just luv animals. I can identify all of 'em in this chart ;-D

a PILOT? that was Daddy's dream occupation...

perhaps become an EQUESTRIAN, a world-class at that, huh?...

or how about becoming a KARATE CHAMPION? just like my Ate Gabby is right now?

will this qualify me to become a MODEL?

Oh well... if I'll turn out to be a beach bum, then being a uber-cool LIFEGUARD, complete with abs would be it! Life will be a beach...

of course, there's always the usual i love to be a DOCTOR answer given by tiny tikes like me when asked what will we want to be when we grow up...

however i would turn up to be, I know Dad & Mom will always be behind me 101% all the way. "


happy said...


you have such a cute little boy. :)

bless said...

thanks for the compliment...mana sa tatay nya..hehe :-D

Alma said...

Hi Bless! You're right, even this early, we already think of what our babies be when they grow up. Whatever they turn to, I know that we'll always be there to support them...we just pray that they make the right choice :)

Alma said...

Hi Bless! You're right, even this early, we're already thinking of what our babies would be when they grow up. Sabi nga sa song, que sera sera...i'm sure we'll be supportive all the way...we just pray that they make the right choice.