gee, cant help but notice that the last post I've written here was exactly 2 years ago...really! I just got connected (my Smart Bro was installed earlier this afternoon) though I was using the wireless Bayantel prepaid connection for about a month now...but with the dial-up system, you can't expect to have a fast access...and with a toddler under my eye, there's not enough time to even upload our pictures.
As a start though, I practiced Ebay-ing...great start...I won in the first item i've bid but i lost in the other one. Now, I'm trying to post Benedict's pictures & videos since his first ultrasound, his first cry, his first few days, his first year along with a few milestones & accomplishments. I have a pretty tough job ahead of me. I intend to see to it that I get to post all his pics before the holiday season though para I'd be able to make a fresh start next year.
I have a new Multiply site to boast...though you can't find much there yet. I'm still in the process of uploading pics.
that's about it...I just felt like blogging about my reclaimed blog life..i didn't know i missed this until I had my internet connection once again. I deserve the Smart Bro.!!! :-)