Sunday, September 14, 2008

What To Expect for my Preschooler (Age 2)

I am quite overwhelmed with the write-ups I have read regarding my preschooler. (which I actually shared down this from Parent Center) Yey! I still can't get over and still feels thrilled whenever I would murmur the word to myself....Benedict is now a "preschooler"!

I may just be me, but I am sooo excited for my little munchkin. I guess every parent must have felt this way with every child. I am excited for him to experience life....but I am more excited for myself, for experiencing life alongside my precious little boy. I am realizing it more & more each day, being a parent is such a lovely gift from God.

Oh well, before I get carried away, here are some nuggets of wisdom I have found on the web.

Age 2

Child development: What to expect...
Child development milestones Are you eagerly awaiting the major child development milestones your 2-year-old will hit this year? The good news: There are several. She's making great leaps in her ability to use language and, in many cases, showing signs of readiness for toilet training. (hmmm, i still dont think Benedict is showing signs of readiness) She's also determined — sometimes too determined — to do things for herself, such as dressing and undressing (especially undressing). And while your child's fiercely proud of her emerging independence, at other times she's still a baby, making your job one of juggling multiple personalities. To learn more about the milestones your little one will master this year, read on.

Talking milestone
What to expect your child to achieve by the end of the year:

• Can point to an object or picture when it's named by someone else (oh this is so true for my little one who named all the animals in a chart I have mounted overnight when he was only 17 months old)
• Understands names of familiar objects, body parts, and people
• Can talk in two- to four-word sentences (his fave currently is "I want eat cha-rus (cheerios), hehe)
Child development milestones

Talking what to expect when
Talking is inextricably linked to hearing and understanding speech. By listening to others, your child learns what words sound like and how to put a sentence together. As a baby, she discovered first how to make sounds, then how to make those sounds into real words ("mama" and "dada" may have slipped out as early as 9 or 10 months). By the time she was a year old, she was trying earnestly to imitate the sounds around her — you probably heard her babbling away in a lingo that only she (and maybe another 1-year-old) could understand. Now comes a period of extraordinary growth, as you watch your child go from speaking a few simple words to asking questions, giving directions, even telling stories she's made up.

What you'll hear
Since your child has a bigger vocabulary, she'll begin to experiment with modulation. She may yell when she means to speak normally and whisper when answering a question (he does this all the time, whisphering his answer when we ask him something...he has a sense of humor!) , but she'll soon find the appropriate volume. She's also starting to get the hang of pronouns, such as "I," "you," and "me." (he's learning now how to use "that" in "that's Daddy!...That's Mommy!...That's" haha, so cute!)
Between ages 2 and 3, her working vocabulary will increase to about 300 words (though she'll understand up to 900 words). She'll string nouns and verbs together to form simple but complete sentences, such as "I go now." She'll even get the hang of speaking about events that happened in the past, although she won't understand the concept of irregular verb forms and may come out with expressions such as "I runned" or "I swimmed." You may smile, but this is actually quite an achievement. It means your child is picking up the basic rules of grammar — that you add an "-ed" to a word if it happened yesterday (or "yesterdaynight," as she might also say). Similarly, mice will be "mouses," and so on. At this age, your child should also start answering simple questions, such as "who" and "where" questions. If she constantly echoes your question rather than answering it, this may be cause for concern and is worth mentioning to your child's pediatrician.

By the time she turns 3, your child will be a more sophisticated talker. She'll carry on a sustained conversation and adjust her tone, speech patterns, and vocabulary to fit the person she's talking to in a particular situation. By now, other adults, including strangers, should be able to understand almost everything she says, which means you'll have to do less translating. She'll even be a pro at saying her first and last name and her age, and will usually oblige when asked. (My Benedict at this point will answer "(My name) is Vince Ey-yo (Leo) Enedict (Benedict) Ong" with matching smile pa when asked for his name..hehe. Although, when asked a few times too many, no answer na.)
What you can do
Reading to your child is a great way to boost her language skills. Books help a child add words to her vocabulary, make sense of grammar, and link meanings to pictures, says Desmond Kelly, a developmental-behavioral pediatrician who works with children with learning and language difficulties at the All Kinds of Minds Institute in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Likewise, simply talking with your child helps. Lots of parents find mealtimes and bedtime are a great chance for talking. These may be the only pauses in a busy day when you have a chance to chat with and really listen to your kids.
Oh this reminds me that I have to make time for 'bedtime stories' in our routine.
What to watch out for
You're the best gauge of your child's speech development. If by age 2 your child rarely attempts to speak or imitate others, doesn't react when you call her name out of her sight, or just seems totally uninterested in talking, she may have a speech problem or a hearing problem. If by age 3 your child can't say vowels ("coo" instead of "cow") or if she talks using mostly vowels, omitting whole consonants ("a" for "cat"), she may need speech therapy (talk to your child's pediatrician to rule out a hearing problem first, though). Other warning signs: She avoids eye contact, has difficulty naming most common household objects, or hasn't started to use two- or three-word phrases.

It's normal for a child to go through a phase of stuttering especially when she's rapidly growing in her ability to express herself. The problem occurs when her brainpower outstrips her verbal dexterity. She's so excited to tell you what's on her mind that she sometimes can't get the words out easily. But if she continues to stutter, or becomes worse to the point where she's tensing her jaw or grimacing in an effort to get the words out, you should talk to her doctor.
I am quite concerned with Benedict as I would catch him stuttering or having difficulty getting out the right words at times. He would also pepper his sentence/phrase with "e-ne-ne" which I thought means Benedict but then again maybe not. So just to make sure, we made an appointment with a Developmental Psychologist in our area. I hope he won't find anything unusual with my little boy.
What's ahead
As your child grows, she'll become more of a chatterbox. You'll enjoy hearing about the projects she did at preschool, what her friend had for lunch, what she thinks about Cinderella's wicked stepmom, and anything else that pops into her mind. You may occasionally long for those peaceful days of speechlessness, but you will never be bored. I am so looking forward to these days. I think I can see them coming, as my Benedict can get so animated now when he is in the mood to talk. And even gets so excited at times that he would stutter & utter words which we will need to decioher to be able to comprehend.

Record Your Little One's New Skills and Discoveries...


What were the first dozen or so words your child said that you could understand?

eyes, hands, Dad or Daddy, baby, apple, book, cow, horse, eat, go, pray, red, blue, eight, one, nine..

What are some of the most delightful mispronounced words your child has used?

"ish" for fish, "we-wow" before he learned to say "yellow" correctly. =D And til now he has difficulty saying Mama Mel, it comes out as "mama mew!, hahaha

What's the most embarrassing thing your child has said in public to a stranger?

hmm, i cant seem to think of one. We dont normally allow strangers near our kid anyway.

Child development milestones Separation and independence milestone
What to expect your child to achieve by the end of the year:

• Demonstrates a desire for independence — she may insist on wearing her purple pajamas five nights in a row (oh! this explains his preference for his PJs with the airplane print...or the one with a firetruck)
• Begins to show defiant behavior to test her limits (coloring on the walls, for example, even if you tell her not to) ah, this i find so frustrating...i personally take offense coz he would really look me in the eye and defy me anyway. So strong-willed! I hate to think of what lies ahead if I dont set limits on this kind of behavior.
• Decreases separation anxiety. It's easier to leave him in the care of his Ah Ko now while we go out for groceries or quicj trips to the malls.
Separation and independence: What to expect when
When your child was a baby, she was completely unaware that you and she were two separate beings. But over time, as she develops various physical, mental, and emotional skills and grows more confident, she'll start to figure out that she's her own person (with her own body, thoughts, and feelings), and she'll increasingly want to do things her way. Of course, as a parent of a 2-year-old, you're probably painfully aware of this. It's a bittersweet process to realize your baby's growing up — sad, but also cause for celebration. (hay, exactly my thoughts...i had been lamenting on this fact a few posts ago, but then again...i should celebrate the fact that my little chick is slowly learning how to spread his wings.) Parenting trully is not for the faint of heart.
What you'll see
When your child hits age 2, the adventure of self-discovery truly begins. This is a time of astounding transformation from infancy to independence. As a result, it's also a period of challenging behaviors. But understanding the reasons behind your child's actions can help you get through this tumultuous and exciting time.

Once completely dependent on you, your child now has the physical and mental capacity to wander off on her own. She embarks on this whirlwind voyage of mobility believing she rules her world. All too quickly, though, she learns the limits of her powers as she tries new experiences, whether it's climbing up on the couch and then not knowing how to get down, or trying to put on her coat and getting hopelessly tangled in it. When she realizes she doesn't have everything figured out just yet, she becomes frustrated and frightened. But throughout this process of trial and error, she's painstakingly developing her own identity.

Along with this newfound self-awareness comes a fear of abandonment, otherwise known as classic separation anxiety — sometimes she'll walk away from you, and other times she'll come running back. "Separation anxiety is an absolutely normal stage of development," says Donald K. Freedheim, a child psychologist and director of the Schubert Center for Child Development at Case Western Reserve University. "All children go through it; it's just more visible in some than in others." According to Freedheim, the condition tends to wax and wane, usually peaking at 18 months and tapering off by 30 months.

Between the ages of 2 and 3, your child continues to struggle for independence. She tests her limits any chance she can (coloring on the walls, for example, even if you tell her not to). "I can do it myself" is probably her most common refrain. Her newly discovered autonomy is linked to her sense of self, and she flaunts it in many ways. She may insist on wearing her purple pajamas for the fifth night in a row, eating only certain foods, and climbing into her car seat (this he does now..hurray!) by herself.
What you can do
Despite the temptation to rush in and rescue your "baby" when she gets into a bind, try to encourage your child's growing independence. At the same time, be sure she knows you'll be there when she needs you. Your 2-year-old's trust in you is growing now, and this feeling of trust gives her the confidence to venture out on her own. She may still get upset when you leave her at daycare or with a sitter, but she'll recover more quickly now because she's more secure. Experience has taught her that you'll always return. Of course, knowing you'll come back and accepting your departure are two different issues. So although she's well aware that you will return, she may put on a bigger show when you leave her. Be sure to give your child the attention and reassurance she needs along with a kiss accompanied by a promise that you'll return. Pay attention to the signals you're sending to your child too — are you lingering at the door when you say good-bye?
What to watch out for
If she's like most kids, your child will conquer separation anxiety by her third birthday. But don't be surprised if, once she's cleared that hurdle, temporary episodes of separation anxiety continue to recur from time to time. The road to maturity is riddled with separations: the first day of preschool, the first time at sleep-away camp, and even the first year of college. But helping your child cope with separation now will make future separations easier.
What comes next
With age comes greater independence and self-confidence. Each year will bring more things that your child will want to do on her own. As she gets older, she'll get to know herself better and will be more aware of her limitations. Future developments include the ability to help prepare simple snacks and meals, make friends, and go to school. Before you know it, your clingy 2-year-old will grow into an audacious preschooler.

Record Your Little One's New Skills and Discoveries...

Separation and Independence

What's the funniest thing your child has done to assert her independence?

He would normally insist on brushing his teeth nowadays. I have found a solution to end our toothbrush squabbles, I brought out 2 toothbrushes...handed him his own toothbrush while I keep another one. Now the problem is taking turns. It seems like "Mommy's turn" is shorter than his turn. =D

What's the most ambitious thing your child has ever tried to do on her own?

Taking off his shoes and socks...for the longest time he had been fumbling over this specific tasks. But he finally figured out how to do em right...and there's no turning back ever since. Now he takes off his shoes (those w/o shoelaces only) and would insist on doing it himself if we would forget and start taking off his shoes.

What's your child's proudest accomplishment?

I would say it is his learning to take off his shoes for the first time. He had this twinkle in his eyes and proudly showed me his pair of shoes telling me "Look Mommy! shoes off" and I cant help but feel so proud of my little boy's one small step forward in his milestones.

Self-care milestone
What to expect your child to achieve by the end of the year:

• Can undress herself (not quite yet, I still have to help him a bit, holding the sleeves of his shirt so he can get his hands through and then finishing off by getting it through his head)
• May show an interest in toilet training as early as 18 to 24 months, while others aren't ready until age 3 or 4 (aside from holding my hand and telling me "Mom, wash bum-bum!" he's otherwise not showing signs that he is ready for potty-training, and I am holding my ground of not rushing him in any way)
• Can feed herself (but will still get so messy)
Child development milestones

Self-care: What to expect when
When your child was a baby, you did everything for her. You changed her diapers, wiped her face when she spat up, and burped her after meals. But as she gets older, she'll learn to do more things for herself, from pulling off her shirt to getting her own bowl of cereal. This is the "I want to do it myself" age. Watching your child grow increasingly independent can be bittersweet, but learning to take care of herself is an important part of your child's personal and social development. I have to constantly remind myself this. Haay, unfortunately, we were brought up in an overly protective and sheltered environment that it is agonizingly difficult to encourage independence in Benedict as the OP mom in me would surely surface. Upbringing has a way of creeping up when we are not looking. I guess it's not so easy to switch it off once it's already in our system.

Skills she'll work at
Undressing: While your child may already know how to undress herself, around now she's likely to go through several clothing changes a day (just because she can), and that's fine — 2-year-olds are notoriously messy anyway and often end up with their clothes streaked with food or finger paint. On the flip side, though, if your child resists changing her clothes when you want her to, consider giving up. This is the time to relax your expectations a bit.

Catching a sneeze:Your child can start to follow some basic rules of hygiene. An important one: sneezing into her elbow, (really? interesting! i only learned of this here =D) as opposed to her hand or the air. Preschools teach this technique to keep children from spraying germs everywhere and passing along germs by touch.

Brushing her teeth: Many 2-year-olds insist on brushing their teeth. (my son belongs to this group). Let your child make a first pass, but follow up with a more thorough cleaning yourself. And make sure she uses only a pea-size drop of fluoride toothpaste; she's apt to swallow some instead of spitting it all out, and too much fluoride is not a good thing. Your child won't be capable of adequate toothbrushing until much later, possibly not until she's 6 or 7. It takes quite a bit of coordination for a child to hold a toothbrush and maneuver it around her mouth so she's really cleaning in there. But let her do her bit; it makes her feel grown up and gets her into a good habit for life.

Using the toilet: Some children develop the physical and cognitive skills necessary to begin toilet training by around 18 to 24 months, while others aren't ready until age 3 or 4. Your child will let you know when it's time.

Preparing breakfast: Your 2-year-old may not be capable of fetching a bowl, filling it with cereal, and pouring on the milk all by herself, and you may not be capable of watching her try. But you can break down these tasks and let her do as much as possible. For example, have her bring you a plastic bowl (from a low cabinet), and after you've poured the cereal, let her pour the milk from a measuring cup. You can also encourage your child's independence by putting healthy snacks within her reach so she can get them on her own. She may drop some on the floor, but applaud her efforts anyway. I have to try this sometime soon...Benedict loves pouring in & out of his bowl his Cheerios. Maybe it's time to let him pour in some milk.
What you can do
Encouragement is key. Whenever your child tries her hand at a new skill, tell her you're proud she tried (regardless of the result) and urge her to try again. Don't always jump in to help (this is quite difficult as I think I am programmed to anticipate my child's need); it's essential that she have enough time to master tasks on her own, at her own pace. Try not to pressure her before she's ready, either. And be flexible: If allowing her to prepare her own breakfast means you'll have to sweep cereal off the floor, go with the flow.
What to watch out for
Children develop skills differently, some more quickly than others, but if your child hasn't shown interest in doing anything for herself by the time she's 2, or if she seems incapable of handling the most basic tasks such as feeding herself with utensils, talk to her pediatrician.
What's ahead
Advances in self-care skills come fast and furious during the preschool years. Most kids have mastered the basics of self-care — dressing, washing their hands, feeding themselves, and going to the bathroom (but not necessarily wiping!) — by their fourth birthday. As the months and years roll by, your child will get better and better at meeting her own needs. You'll blink, a few years will go by, and she'll be able to tie her shoes and shower or bathe by herself. Then it's just a matter of time until she can do laundry and cook dinner, not to mention drive herself to soccer practice. By then you'll be wishing she'd let you baby her once in a while, but her refusal to give up her autonomy will be a testament to your success in teaching her to care for herself.

Record Your Little One's New Skills and Discoveries...

Self-Care and Toilet Training

What are your child's favorite finger foods? Cheerios, lately he has discovered Champola too.
What's the funniest outfit your child has insisted on wearing? hmm, he still pretty much allows me to dress him up...except for his shoes, he does the choosing now. And somehow we would always end up wearing his Mc Queen clogs all the time.
What's the quirkiest thing your child's done in starting toilet training? haven't started yet
What's your 2-year-old's proudest self-care accomplishment? in the self-care area, it must be brushing his teeth...or at least his effort to do so. He also has this funny way of reminding his Yaya or even me at times to not hold his 'birdie', as I told him a few months back to not let anyone hold his private parts. I can only stiffle my giggle the first time I heard him say this. It must mean that he understands & remembers what I had been telling him.

Toilet training milestone
What to expect your child to achieve by the end of the year:

• Able to hold urine for three hours or more
• Indicates an interest in imitating others' bathroom habits
• Understands the physical signals that mean she has to go

Toilet training: What to expect when
No magic age signals the ideal time to start the process of toilet training. Some children develop the necessary physical and cognitive skills as early as 18 to 24 months, whereas others aren't ready until they're 3 or 4 (boysare often slightly later than girls).(this is reassuring to know since my niece is potty-trained at 2.5 y/o. But I am not giving in to pressures, I dont see the signs that my little one is ready) Some children get the knack in a few short days, while it can take others a year or more.

What accounts for the wide age range in mastering this skill? Timing. Pediatricians have a saying about toilet training: If you start at 2 you'll be done by 3; if you start at 3 you'll be done by 3. "If you catch them when they're ready, it may only take a month," says Denise Aloisio, a developmental-behavioral pediatrician in Rochester, New York. "But if you miss the signals or don't wait for their cues, it can take six months or more."

Signs of readiness
Your child must be physically ready to start potty training before you have any chance of success, meaning he can hold urine and stay dry for three hours or more (this indicates that his bladder muscles are sufficiently developed to store urine). He also needs to be able to recognize the physical signs that signal when he has to go, and act on them before anything comes out (no small feat when you've never had to think about this before). It makes it easier, too, if he can pull his clothes up and down by himself. Steer clear of overalls if he can't undo the clasps.

Physical and mental readiness aren't the only factors involved. Motivation is key. If your child demonstrates a desire for independence and shows an interest in imitating others' bathroom habits, it may be an auspicious time to plunge into the process. Children may figure out how to have a bowel movement before they learn to urinate in the potty because they typically only have BMs once or twice a day, usually at the same time.
What you can do
Your job as a parent is to make the toilet-training process as natural and non-threatening as possible. Keep a relaxed and positive attitude, and encourage your child to get accustomed to his potty. Let him help pick the potty out at the store, then let him play with it, look inside, sit his teddy bear on it. Then, ask him if he wants to sit on it — with his clothes on at first — so that he can get used to how the seat feels. If he wants to take a rain check on this, don't push it. Explain how the potty is used in simple terms that he can grasp: "This is for making pee and poop in when you're ready to stop wearing diapers." (Use whatever words you're comfortable with for urine and feces, but be sure he understands them.)

By now your child has probably seen you and your partner use the toilet on many occasions. He may be more interested in just watching at this point. Role models take the mystery and fear out of new things, so let him watch. After about a week of familiarizing him with the potty with his clothes on, empty the contents of his diaper into the potty, so he sees what's supposed to go in there.

Once your child is willing to use the potty, make it part of his routine — start with after breakfast or before his bath — and gradually increase from once to several times a day. Praise him for his success and brush off accidents or no-shows.

Don't rush to flush: Kids see pee and poop as an extension of their own bodies. They may be fascinated by and proud of what they put in the potty. Some children also like to wave bye-bye to their BMs.

Be careful not to push your child or nag. Just like grown-ups, children are much less receptive when someone is constantly on their case than when they feel like they're in charge. Instead, watch your child for changes in posture or facial expressions that signal he has to go. If he grabs himself or grunts, for instance, let these be your cues to gently remind him about the potty. Handle accidents and setbacks calmly and kindly. Just clean up the mess matter-of-factly and suggest that next time he try using his potty. You may also want to switch from plastic disposable diapers to cloth diapers at this stage.

You're more likely to have success with toilet training if you choose a time to plunge into the process when all is reasonably quiet on the home front. As a deadline-oriented adult, it might seem logical to start training a few weeks before the next baby is due, just before your child goes to preschool, or when you're planning to move to a new house. But 2-year-olds are contrary creatures, and the more they sense your not-so-hidden agenda, the less inclined they are to go along with it. So ditch the deadline, act casual about the whole thing, and let your child "own" the experience.
What to watch out for
If you find yourself getting angry or frustrated about potty progress, or if your child seems to resist toilet training, consider it a sign that you both need to take a breather. Too much pressure to perform can sabotage the whole exercise, so wait until you've regained your patience and your child seems more open to the idea — it could be a couple of days, or even months. If you choose this battle, you will inevitably lose — toilet training can only be mastered with your child's voluntary cooperation.

You should also stop the toilet training if your child is reluctant to use his potty or becomes constipated. If your child has infrequent bowel movements (less than three per week), if he passes either large stools or hard, pebbly stools, or if it is difficult for him to pass a bowel movement, talk with his doctor about possible constipation. Address his health problem first by varying his diet (bananas are good for firming up BMs while prunes and other fruits are good for loosening them) and getting him to drink lots of liquids. Then you can try toilet training again.
What's ahead
Once your child is using the potty regularly, you'll gradually make the move from diapers to training pants during the day. In preparation for preschool, you may also need to help your child make the shift from the potty to the toilet. Most children take longer to conquer naptime and nighttime dryness. Don't worry, though, if your child is not ready to take these toileting steps. When he's ready to learn these new big-kid skills, he will (and not a moment sooner).
I am anxious yet excited over the fact that there is so much in store for my Benedict this year. Yey! I hope we will have more fun as we go along his milestones in the next few months. I am always optimistic in knowing that I have done my part in encouraging him to move forward every single step along the way. The rest, I entrust unto Him. Parenting surely is not so easy, but I wont trade it for anything else in the whole wide world.

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