It's nice to be able to sit back in my purple chair & get to post wedding preps update here (such luxuries I was not able to enjoy lately, as work is tiring me sooo much). But anyway, last night I was able to insert in my hectic sked a meeting with a prospective supplier for my wedding invites. I dragged my future SIL, Ate Dul to accompany me as this is one aspect of my wedding which I am so clueless. So, I look for a girl named Jaja, who texted that she will be wearing an orange shirt & sitting in a booth at Dunkin Donuts-Divisoria. O dba, I only learn how to do this EB now on my 28th year of existence (hehehe) Anyway, I wasn't expecting much bec. I had my eye set on an invite I have seen last month in Cebu (at SM's Joyful Wedding shop) & though
ISG Print Tech is a sister company of CDI Printing (the one who made Grace & Ate Dul's wedding invites), Jaja (the owner) informed me a few days ago that they wont be able to make a copy of the Cinderella-themed invite that I have my heart set on. But as always, I only learn the wisdom of trusting God & His directions after every supplier meeting that I go to, thinking that I might as well check them out even if first impression isn't that much. I guess the tip that I want to share is this, before I meet with any of the suppliers, I pray a sincere prayer to Papa God prior to closing my eyes the night before the meeting. I ask Him to bless my task at hand & to lead me to suppliers who will be able to execute what it is that my heart trully desires (kinda difficult bec. at times even I myself get confused with the numerous choices presented, u know what I mean). But (here's the catch) I also tell Him to guide me through the choosings & make me choose what He thinks is best for me. And in resignation I rest my case in His hands. Wonder of wonders, the next day's meeting would always turn out enjoyable, in addition to being perfect in terms of my wants. It's like He had been the invisible hand who guides me through each & every teeny bit of detail of the process. Isn't He a patient & loving father??? I mean, who would care less abt the tiny details of my wedding (unless he is a coordinator I have hired). But this I promise you, His ways are often more beautiful than what we can even conjure in our wildest dreams.
Now back to my invite. As I was saying, I already had my heart set on a certain design I have seen in Cebu. The only hindrance is the price as it was pegged at about P 73.00 for that sheet only. I was thinking of how I would be able to skirt around the budget issue so that I can get the invite of my dreams (or so I thought)... things like not including the entourage's name on the main invitation & instead have it printed nalang in the misalette & include it in the invite distribution. But then, we will have to have the misalette approved in advance. Hay, a million things to consider. But when we met w/ Jaja last night, we were able to choose a nice set of a 6 1/2 x 9 1/2 ecru invite w/ 2 entourage sheet, envelopes w/ lining & sticker seal na -- all for only P 85.00, customized pa my castle design which will be stamped in the invitation. Wooow!!! it's what I call a blessing only Papa God can send forth from heaven.
No need for 2nd thoughts, I'm all set for this design. Boy, am I so glad that I have learned to entrust Him to know the desires of my heart. Indeed, He is a faithful God.