Thursday, February 17, 2011
Unconditional Love
On the contrary, there were far too many exciting developments especially in the family as we adjusted to the new member - our little angel.
But I had also been far too engrossed in child-rearing that inspite of my 2 yayas, I still find that 24 hour timeline is way too short, no exaggerations! for a stay at home mom like me. Perhaps I am just not good with time management :( Perhaps, I have just been enjoying my kids & their activities waaaay too much.
I didn't actually think of this as a problem....until I realized that me & my husband had been slowly drifting apart. I mean aside from the daily activities of our kids, what to eat, what to shop, where to go malling? these things are the only stuffs we talk about over dinner. And not to mention rushing...and rushing...and rushing!!!
Got me so tired (and pissed!) that one day it suddenly just came to a boiling point...
When I was at that state when I was declaring a "cold war", I came across a book I have purchased so long ago from Amazon. Its from Dr. Gary Chapman " The Five Love Languages". Its nothing short of being amazing!!! I've had one too many lightbulb moments while reading this book.
I was desperate to talk to someone and discuss my marital woes, but inspite of myself and my growing misery, I just dont have the heart to bring it up with my closest friends, nor with my sister, and especially not from my parents. So this book was a blessing at that particular time. Not only did it shift my paradigm, but it actually made me realize the mistakes I, myself had been doing both to my husband and our marriage.
Today, I do not say that we have a perfect union, but we have been through some difficult moments, and getting here to where we are right now... its beautiful to tell the world of how we love each other, still... and inspite of each other's shortcomings. After all isnt love all about being unconditional? :)
I just love this quote my old high school friend shared from her hubby's card...
And I wish to dedicate this to the one man who has captured my heart...
"When we fell in love, I gave you my heart.
When we got married, I gave you my word.
As long as I live, I will give you my love."
Sunday, December 13, 2009
My 1-month Old Angeli
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Are We or Are We Not???
Are we or are we not....
for the second time around??!!!
Kit #1 :)

This is how the 2 kits look like when put beside each other...

We're definitely going to see an OB tomorrow. Meantime, I just can't contain my excitement :)
I hope this is not a false alarm. I am not raising my hopes too high.
Since I have a PCOS case, I was advised by my OB to actually start a cycle of Duphaston & Clomid last month. But since we are due to leave for HK when I got back from my check-up in Cebu, we decided to forego the first cycle and simply go second honeymooning, hehe :)
The thing is...i forgot when my last menstruation was. I am definite I had it last November and in January again. But as to the exact date, I am not certain. hay, the downside of not having a regular 28-day cycle.
All my instincts are saying that I am indeed again preggy, but you know how a woman can be misguided when one wants to have a child again. Talk about being desperate, haha :D
I might get a blood test tomorrow, just to be sure.
to God be the glory!!!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Benedict in Baby Magazine's Feb. issue :)
My Benedict made it to the pages of Baby Magazine again this month….February 2009 issue.
Hoooray!!!! I am really such a stage mommy…hahaha :D
Anyway, here’s his original pic…
taken by no less than his uber-talented Tita Mickie who makes gorgeous photobooks. Check out her multiply site
Or visit her Studio 125 in Colon, Cebu City.
I sure am looking forward to actually getting my hands on this particular magz. What is it in mommies like myself? I just get so happy seeing my little boy’s face printed on the glossy pages. It simply gives me a different kind of happiness. Haaay, I guess it’s innate in every mommy’s system to be mighty proud of the little ones. hehe
Friday, January 23, 2009
My little grammarian :)
We've only been in school this week. Missed about 2 weeks of school & activities following the Christmas break. The main reason is Benedict's persistent cough over the holidays and the more than a week of flash floods/bad weather which followed.
Anyway, when Benedict went back to school, the first thing his teachers noticed is his growing vocabulary and his eagerness to talk. Teacher Christie even told me "Ma'am I dont know what you did over the holidays but Benedict seems to be talking a mile a minute now." hahaha :D
Oh well, after our Dev. Ped visit, we took pain in ensuring that we (albeit me & his Daddy) are talking really slow...mostly syllabicating our words so the little boy can follow our conversation. And I guess it is working.
And I also notice that Benedict seems to get the rules of adding plurals. I recall our having this conversation over the holidays...
Benedict: "Mom, what's this?" (touching the lighted series lightbulbs in the form of the snowmen)
me: "Oh, that's a christmas decor's a snowman." (pointing to one)
Benedict: "I like the...Many snowmans mom?" (pure innocent expression, which freeze the tiny smile on my face)
Me: "Hmmm, snowMEN"
Benedict: "Ah! many snowmens Mom?" hahaha!
Me: "No sweetheart. Snowman if there's only 1...snowmen if there are 2 or more"
Another instance...
His Ko-Tiu gave him a die-cast jeep in the morning and added 2 more die-cast toys later in the night. Benedict was proudly showing his new toys to his Ah Ko. I overheard him saying...
Benedict: "Look Ah Ko!! Tu-tu (Ko Tiu) give E-Sim (engsim) many carsES"
Me: "Come here's car if there's only one (holding his toy) and carS if there are 2 (counting 1, 2 cars) and even more (adding 3,4 & 5 cars)."
...there goes a funny lesson on pluralization!
I am amazed that a 2 y/o can actually sense the grammatical rules. I mean, how old were we when these were given to us as formal lessons in school? 7-8? But then again, I guess my Benedict is really comfortable with the English language too. He tries so hard (it sounds cute) to communicate in English. That's why I am really making the effort to spend every waking moment with him. I just couldn't run the risk of him copying Yaya's wrong pronounciation or grammatical errors...que horror! Not that I meant that to belittle the nanny, but it's such a shame to let the window of opportunity go to waste, just bec. I was delegating my responsibility to the yaya.
And I am also showing him new Mandarin videos which I got from my Shobe. Actually he just started taking interest in them last week. And I am happy to hear him pronounce the chinese names of the characters correctly na. His Daddy is also now being greeted with "ni hao" in the morning instead of his "g'morning Daddy!" before. hahaha :D
I think he also got his expressions of "hmmm (with matching thinking expression)...i know" and "i think so" from that same mandarin/english show. :)
It's definitely looking up for our little grammarian!
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Benedict's visit to the Dev. Ped.
Since 3rd quarter of 2008, I was a bit worried when I noticed that Benedict is slurring his speech and he is stuttering. Since I have read somewhere that this is hereditary and for a fact that my hubby at times also would stutter, I have brought this concern to his pedia. The ever-attentive and maternal, Dra. Lucile suggested that for our peace of mind, we let a Developmental Psychologist examine him.
We were waiting since November for a slot and we're lucky to get a schedule for January 6. I've heard that in Manila, the waiting list would take about a year.
At 4pm on the dot we were ushered in by the kind secretary of Dra. Annah, after filling in a page of information/background sheet.
As expected, Benedict was shy and anxious. The pretty and soft-spoken Dra. Annah talked to us for a while, gathering as much information as she could regarding our parenting style and method of child-rearing. She inquired at length about how Benedict is behaving at home.
Then came the actual examination...which is actually just a series of tinkering of different playthings (blocks, puzzles) so the doctor can observe Benedict and his behavior. At first, Benedict didnt actually do as he is told to sit on the patient's chair (a monobloc with a Mickey Mouse print), instead he pointed it out to the doctor. But when he did not show resistance when I lifted him to sit on it, I took it as a cue for my exit. So, Marlon & I waited in the doctor's room while Dra. Annah & Benedict "played". Occassionally hearing my little one's quips.
After about an hour and a half of that activity, the door to the examination room was opened by the little hands of my Benedict. And he was out beaming at me with a burst of sunlight and an energetic hop. He clearly enjoyed their session.
And Marlon and I couldn't have been happier when Doc Annah gave us her observations.
This is supposedly confidential...but I am just so proud a mom to keep it to myself!
Chronologic Age: 2 years and 4 months
Tool Used: Griffith's Mental Development Scale
- Locomotor: 2 years and 6 months
- Eye-Hand Coordination: 2 years and 10 months
- Hearing and Speech/Language: 2 years and 10 months
- Personal and Social: 2 years and 4 months
- Performance/Problem-Solving Skills: 3 years and 8 months
Benedict is a pleasant but shy boy. It took a while before he warmed up to the examiner and cooperated in the structured activities. He has good sitting skill, focus and attention span. He has good meaningful eye contact with good imitations skill.
He performed very well in non-verbal problem solving scale with above-average performance. His communication skill is at par with his age but there are immature articulations and dysfluency, which are still acceptable for his age.
Above average performance with stuttering
Benedict is a smart and intelligent boy who presents with stuttering. Stuttering is an involuntary repitition, prolongation or blockage of a word. The child's risk for beginning to stuttering increases from his 2nd until his 4th birthday, then decreases gradually until about the age of 12. It gradualy begins during the period when a child is acquiring language at a rapid rate and the risk is 3-5x greater if there is a family history of stuttering.
- Listen patiently to what he is saying, not how he said it.
- Allow your child to complete his thoughts without interruptions.
- Avoid filling in or speaking your child's thoughts or ideas.
- Spend at least 30 minutes each day talking with your child in an unhurried, very relaxed manner.
- Limit his exposure to tv and encourage him to engage in manipulative activities.
- Continue his playschool so that he can socialize with other children.
For developmental review on September 16, 2009 at 4pm.
Dr. Annah Rebecca Valmores-Doroja, MD,DPPS, FPSDBP
Fellow, Philippine Society for developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
Diplomate, Philippine Pediatric Society
Although initially, we are a bit worried about Benedict's case of stuttering, we are now pacified with the thought that there is no hidden implication/ailment for stuttering inividuals (thank heavens!) and I am particularly assured by the kind Dr. Annah that there is no truth to the study linking stuttering to heart ailment, inspite of it being an issue in the 1970's.
Oh well, I guess this is more of a blessing in disguise bec. we have just discovered that we have indeed a smart little fellow for a son. And we are somewhat humbled that God has gifted us with a smarter than usual little boy, but at the same time we are also challenged to become true nurturers of his God-given gifts and talents.
Indeed, it's true that to those whom God has blessed more, much more is also expected in return. May we prove worthy of this task assigned to us from heaven.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Benedict's First Stage Performance :)
Benedict’s first time ever to go onstage himself!
This is the Christmas show the kids from
I was actually not quite optimistic that my dear Benedict will cooperate as he had been simply running around during their final practice in the morning. He was more interested with the yellow flower balloon he was holding. And I just let him be. Subtly psyching him up to perform by promising him a small wind-up Percy train to add to his collection, and another Percy train, this time a big one to match his Thomas & the James train he got from yesterday’s Christmas party…that is, if he will recite, sing & dance…Hahaha J Talk about bribery!
He was whining during the morning practice though L much to his Daddy’s dismay. Marlon even suggested that we skip the program in the afternoon altogether, convinced that Benedict is just too young & not up to it. I was able to convince him though that it will still be a good exposure for the little boy even if he wont actually be up to perform at all. He let me win!
During practice…
with cuties Ysa (left pic) and little Ericka (right pic), his classmates!
So at 3:30pm, we are headed to the Activity Area of SM, where most of Benedict’s schoolmates & their family are gathered already.
Their first task is to stay put for the prayers and to stand still for the National Anthem. Given that the kids age range from 1 1/2 – 6 year olds, it is a tall order to just make them stand. J
Dressed as an elf for a play…
I have to contend myself to watch in the sidelines while his nanny & the driver helped him get dressed. I cant go near him lest he start whining.
Making chika with an older kid from nursery…
I guess it was the right thing to left him under the teachers care & Yaya’s supervision…here’s a few shots of my grinning imp.
Benedict’s part is so tiny. And he merely have to follow Santa, along with his other classmates in elf costume. But my heart swelled with pride and my eyes got watery when I saw him onstage. Hahaha
Backstage shot of the gremlin, oppps…elf diay, hehe
A pose with his fave Teacher Christie,
who’s amazing power to psych up the toddlers to give charming performances simply amazes me!
He is part of a chorale serenading us with the Christmas Alphabet, Jingle Bell Rock and a few more jolly Christmas carols.
They are now dressed in adorable Santa Claus costume.
Another part he is supposed to do is to recite the ABCs of Christmas. He didn’t actually get around to reciting it. I am contented that he was sitting down on his chair and he came up to the microphone when his Teachers (Loudette & Christie) called him up.
In reality, he was good at practice, hehe…and that’s good enough for me. His line goes like this:
“G is for greetings
A merry ‘hello’
With a heart full of love
For people we know
And for the finale, the kids all went onstage again this time singing & dancing to the tunes of 12 days of Christmas and a few other cool modern dances.
There are so many joys only mommy-hood can bring!
I am sure the rest of the parents were as proud as we had been. It may not be much of a performance from our little elf and miniature Santa Claus, but we are sooo proud and happy just seeing him onstage. Hahaha
Thanks too to my ever-supportive SIL, Ate Dulce and her hubby, Kuya Edwin…who took time off his uber busy schedule just to watch their nephew stand on stage. J
Merry, merry Christmas to all!